Discover the basic truths of life. Hidden secrets and facts beyond any philosophy. Attain freedom from the bondage of false doctrines of false religions. Know the main fact. Debate!
Welcome to "Seek the truth" forum. Created by Praise Joshua, a genuine truth and knowledge seeker.
As Humans, we need to know our Creator and our origin. We have been created with the 'curiousity to know more" nature. Due to this, we have been trying to explore ourselves, our environments, nature, spiritual and physical properties of our lives and the world. We have been trying to know the Creator and the creature by all means. We have gone through the earth for great knowledge, we have being to the depth of the sea. We have being to the galaxies, we have being to the spiritual world, infact, we have gone beyond many boundaries and limits. Just to know more . However, what is the cause of all this fuss and business when in the book of the wisest man iin the Bible, it is written that "we were made upright and perfect by God, but we, ourselves went in search of many different and evil ways!"- Eccl. 7:29 Many have been led astray and many have led themselves astray and many are going astray without their knowledge and many will still be led astray; lead themselves astray and many will go astray without even knowing... "When we tend to go deeper in the worlds, we may be led astray by our number one and greatest enemy- Satan.
But the good news is,Many have seen the light. Many have been set free from darkness and ignorance, false doctrines and false teachings. All of which are worst than stabbing a man in the navel . Praise be to God for I also was once in darkness but now living in light! I have read and studied. I have also gone higher into the truth.
I pray that as you read my posts and other posts of people of God, you would see the light and be free.
Debates are available here. Welcome, PEACE, From Praise Joshua(ADMIN)
Quote: praiz wrote in post #1Welcome to "Seek the truth" forum. Created by Praise Joshua, a genuine truth and knowledge seeker.
As Humans, we need to know our Creator and our origin. We have been created with the 'curiousity to know more" nature. Due to this, we have been trying to explore ourselves, our environments, nature, spiritual and physical properties of our lives and the world. We have been trying to know the Creator and the creature by all means. We have gone through the earth for great knowledge, we have being to the depth of the sea. We have being to the galaxies, we have being to the spiritual world, infact, we have gone beyond many boundaries and limits. Just to know more . However, what is the cause of all this fuss and business when in the book of the wisest man iin the Bible, it is written that "we were made upright and perfect by God, but we, ourselves went in search of many different and evil ways!"- Eccl. 7:29 Many have been led astray and many have led themselves astray and many are going astray without their knowledge and many will still be led astray; lead themselves astray and many will go astray without even knowing... "When we tend to go deeper in the worlds, we may be led astray by our number one and greatest enemy- Satan.
But the good news is,Many have seen the light. Many have been set free from darkness and ignorance, false doctrines and false teachings. All of which are worst than stabbing a man in the navel . Praise be to God for I also was once in darkness but now living in light! I have read and studied. I have also gone higher into the truth.
I pray that as you read my posts and other posts of people of God, you would see the light and be free.
Debates are available here. Welcome, PEACE, From Praise Joshua(ADMIN)